Call For Papers
The first call for papers is available for download here.
Important Dates
Submission of Abstract 4 November 2013 EXTENDED
Notification of Acceptance 15 December 2013
Submission of Final Paper 17 January 2014
Format of the Conference
The conference combines the following formats:
- Plenary sessions with invited keynote papers
- Oral sessions, both convened and contributed
- Posters
- Workshops, short courses
- Exhibition
The number of convened sessions will be balanced to keep the conference open for interesting submissions. Posters will be presented in a large central area, near the exhibition, to attract the attention of participants and to foster fruitful technical discussions.
EuCAP 2014 will feature a session track focussing on applications. This will increase interaction between academia and industry. During abstract submission authors will be invited to allocate their contributions to one or more applications, enabling the formation of applications tracks in the final program. Contributions not targeting a particular application will be allocated to regular sessions all along the week.
• Fundamental research
• Satcom on-the-move terminal antennas
• Navigation, localisation, positioning and tracking
• Cellular mobile communications (includes: base station, handheld devices)
• Machine to machine, internet on devices
• Wireless networks (includes: WLAN, indoor communication)
• High data-rate transfer and backbone networks
• RFID and sensor networks
• Biomedical (includes: human body interaction, on-body antennas, electromagnetic exposure and interactions)
• Satellite communications
• Satellite passive and active remote sensing
• Radio astronomy
• Signal and image processing
• Defense and security
• Short-range Giga-bit communications
• Commercial software
ConFerence Topics
A01 Electromagnetic theory and numerical techniques
A02 Antenna interactions and coupling
A03 Antenna systems and architectures
A04 Scattering, diffraction and RCS
A05 Imaging and inverse scattering
A06 Small antennas and RF sensors
A07 Wearable antennas
A08 Dielectric resonator antennas
A09 Printed elements, baluns and associated circuits
A10 Wire antennas
A11 Slotted-, guided- and leaky- wave antennas
A12 Array antennas
A13 Reflectarrays and transmitarrays
A14 Conformal antennas
A15 Beamforming, data processing
A16 Adaptive and reconfigurable antennas
A17 Active and integrated antennas
A18 MIMO, antenna diversity, smart and signal processing antennas
A19 Reflector, feed systems and components
A20 Lens antennas and radomes
A21 Frequency and polarisation selective surfaces
A22 Multiband and wideband antennas
A23 UWB antennas and time-domain techniques
A24 Advanced RF materials, meta-materials and EBG
A25 Millimeter-wave, submillimeter-wave and TeraHertz antennas
A26 High-power antennas
A27 Nano antennas
M01 General antenna measurements
M02 Measurement of radar scattering and radar calibration techniques
M03 Advances in near-field, far-field, compact and RCS test ranges
M04 Measurement standards and range comparisons
M05 Data acquisition, imaging algorithms and processing methods
M06 UWB or frequency-independent antenna measurements
M07 RF materials characterisation, test techniques and facilities
M08 EMI/EMC/PIM chamber design, measurements and instrumentation
M09 End-to-end system testing
M10 Over-The-Air (OTA) testing of antennas and wireless devices in multipath
P01 Tropospheric propagation
P02 Radio climatology
P03 Polarisation issues in propagation
P04 Satellite propagation modelling and measurement campaigns
P05 Aeronautical and maritime propagation
P06 Multi-link MIMO and cooperative channels
P07 Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure channels
P08 Channel-sounding techniques and channel-estimation techniques
P09 Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave propagation
P10 Joint antenna-channel issues in propagation
P11 Outdoor/urban propagation
P12 Indoor propagation
P13 Outdoor-to-indoor propagation
P14 UWB propagation
P15 Body-centric propagation
P16 Propagation/interaction with natural media (surface/vegetation)
P17 Propagation aspects in remote sensing
P18 Propagation in random media and diffuse scattering
P19 Propagation in complex media (underground, etc.)
P20 HF propagation
P21 Trans-ionospheric propagation
P22 Propagation effects for radio-astronomy and deep space communications