Grants & Awards
EURAAP Award 2014
Nominations are solicited for the 2014 EURAAP Awards. This award aims at recognising the contribution of an individual person to:
- Advances in Antennas & Propagation
- Education in the fields of Antennas & Propagation
- Coordination of research & networking activities in the fields of Antennas & Propagation in Europe or in relationship to Europe.
Nominations have to be made before December 15th, 2013 using the official form, which can be downloaded HERE.
A detailed description of the award and the selection procedure can also be found HERE.
TICRA Grants
TICRA offers 5 travel grants of 1500 EURO each to students participating in the 2014 EuCap in den Haag.
TICRA has extraordinarily decided to make available the net sum of EUR 7,500 to be granted students who have submitted a full paper for the 2014 EuCap conference on Antennas and Propagation and will present it during the conference. The selection of candidates will be made by a committee at TICRA based on an application submitted by the student. Each successful candidate will receive EUR 1,500 towards travel expenses, accommodation and conference fee. Formal requirements are that the applicant
- is a PhD student or has obtained the PhD in 2014
- is affiliated with an educational institution
- is under 35 years of age
- submits a full paper (3-5 pages) through the EDAS® conference management system before the deadline set by the EuCap organizing committee
- personally presents the paper at EuCAP
- is present at the EuCAP banquet to receive the award
- is endorsed by his or her immediate supervisor
The application must contain a summary of your thesis work, your CV with past publications, your current work place, and your own view on why you qualify for this travel grant. Feel free to attach any recommendations you may have.
The application shall be sent via e-mail to TICRA no later than February 14, 2014, to, with copy to Successful candidates will be notified by March 3, 2014.
The EuCAP Best Paper Awards have been created to contribute to the recognition of scientific quality of research and engineering in four thematic domains of Antennas and Propagation, through a transparent and fair decision process, as detailed below.
Awards chairmen:
Prof. Andrea Neto,
Prof. Alain Sibille
The best papers Awards, sponsored by Thales and the European School of Antennas, will be given in five different categories. After a hard pre-selection, the five finalists from each category will compete for the award on dedicated Poster Sessions in afternoon of Thursday, April 10th. They will evaluated by five committees composed by some of the top experts in the respective fields.
Antenna application best paper awards
Committee members:
Prof. George Eleftheriades
Prof. Werner Wiesbeck
Dr. Antoine Roederer
- Paper n. 1569845351: Janusz Grzyb, Yan Zhao, Richard Al Hadi, and Ullrich Pfeiffer, “On design of differentially driven on-chip antennas with harmonic filtering for silicon integrated mm-wave and THz N-push oscillators” WINNER!
- Paper n. 1569859219: Marc Imbert, Anna Papió, Franco De Flaviis, Lluís Jofre, and Jordi Romeu, “Design and Performance Evaluation of a Dielectric Flat Lens for Millimeter-Wave Applications”
- Paper n. 1569861123: D. Gonzalez-Ovejero, E. Martini, B. Loiseaux, C. Tripon-Canseliet, J. Chazelas, and S. Maci, “Reconfigurable Transmission Lines Based on Self-Complementary Metasurfaces”
- Paper n. 1569861503: Daniel Sjoberg and Andreas Ericsson, “A Multi Layer Meander Line Circular Polarization Selective Structure (MLML-CPSS)”
- Paper n. 1569845889: Erick Gonzalez-Rodrıguez, Arshad Mehmood, Yuliang Zheng, Holger Maune, Lufei Shen, Jing Ning, Hubertus Braun, Martun Hovhannisyan, Klaus Hofmann, and Rolf Jakoby, “Reconfigurable Dualband Antenna Module with Integrated High Voltage Charge Pump and Digital Analog Converter”
Antenna Theory Best Paper
Committee members:
Prof. Prabhakar Pathak
Prof. Mario Orefice
Dr. Arthur D. Yaghjian
- Paper n. 1569862551: Valentina Sozio, Andrea Vallecchi, Matteo Albani, and Filippo Capolino, “Closed-form Expressions of Local Effective Bianisotropic Constitutive Parameters for Reciprocal Metamaterials” WINNER!
- Paper n. 1569861949: D. Gonzalez-Ovejero, M. Violetti, M. Faenzi, M. Sabbadini, and S. Maci, “Spectral/Spatial Global Domain Basis Functions for the Description of Metasurfaces”
- Paper n. 1569860217: Eugen Safin and Dirk Manteuffel, “Influence of the Impedance Matching on the Characteristic Wave Modes:
- Paper n. 1569844069Agnese Mazzinghi, Massimo Balma, Dorina Devona, Giacomo Guarnieri, Giuseppe Mauriello, Matteo Albani, and Angelo Freni, “Bessel Beam Generation with a RLSA Antenna for Non-Contact Detection of Buried Objects”
- Paper n. 1569855617: Raul Rodrıguez-Berral, Francisco Mesa, and Francisco Medina, “Circuit Model for Patch/Slot-Based Frequency Selective Surfaces Under Conical Incidence”
Measurements best paper award
Committee members:
Prof. Olav Breinbjerg
Prof. Antti Räisänen
Prof. Reiner Thomä
- Paper n. 1569857463: Rasmus Cornelius, Marc Dirix, Hammam Shakhtour, and Dirk Heberling, “Comparison of Horizontal and Vertical Feed Scanning Based APC in a Compact Range”
- Paper n. 1569844003: Lorenzo Luini, Roberto Nebuloni, and Carlo Capsoni, “Using ECMWF Reanalysis Data for Radiometric Calibration”
- Paper n. 1569861037: Amedeo Capozzoli, Claudio Curcio, and Angelo Liseno, “Optimized Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurements”
- Paper n. 1569814763: Constantine G. Kakoyiannis, “Post-Processing Accuracy Enhancement of the Improved Wheeler Cap for Wideband Antenna Efficiency Measurements”
- Paper n. 1569851353: Santiago Capdevila, Jordi Romeu, Luis Jofre, and Jean-Charles Bolomey, “Increased Dynamic Range for RFID EM-field Measurements” WINNER!
Propagation best paper award
Committee members:
Dr. Yannick Béniguel
Prof. Conor Brennan
Prof. Yoshio Karasawa
- Paper n. 1569842309: Yuri Álvarez, Yolanda Rodriguez-Vaqueiro, Borja Gonzalez-Valdes, José Ángel Martinez-Lorenzo, Fernando Las-Heras, and Carey Rappaport, “A Compressed Sensing-based Imaging System” WINNER!
- Paper n. 1569843713: Jochen Moll, Mantalena Sarafianou, Thomas Kelly, Viktor Krozer, and Ian Craddock, “Radar-based Tumor Localization in Heterogeneous Breast Tissue Using a 3D Permittivity Model”
- Paper n. 1569862215: Michele D'Urso, Tommaso Isernia, and Gabriella Bernardi, “Contrast Source - Extended Born Inversion Method: State of the Art and Recent Advances”
- Paper n. 1569858435: Giorgio Carluccio, Matteo Albani, Luca Pandolfo, Paolo De Vita, and Mauro Bandinelli, “An Efficient Iterative Physical Optics Algorithm for the Analysis of Electrically Large Scatterers”
- Paper n. 1569850381: Marie Rieche, Daniel Arndt, Alexander Ihlow, Fernando Pérez-Fontán, and Giovanni Del Galdo, “Impact of Driving Direction on Land Mobile Satellite Channel Modeling”
EuCAP best student paper award
Committee members:
Prof. Christos Christodoulou
Prof. Anja Skrivervik
Dr. Ross Stone
- Paper n. 1569853145: Thomas Dallmann and Dirk Heberling, “A Reference Target for Polarimetric Radar Cross-Section Measurements” (Honourable Mention Award)
- Paper n. 1569861277: Xiao Li, Yuriy I. Nechayev, Costas Constantinou, and Peter S Hall, “Multi-hop Channel Modeling At 60 GHz for On-body Communications”
- Paper n. 1569858083: Carlos A. Leal-Sevillano, Jorge A. Ruiz-Cruz, José R. Montejo-Garai, and Jesús M. Rebollar, “Novel Dual-Band Single Circular Polarization Antenna Feeding Network for Satellite Communications” WINNER!
- Paper n. 1569853715: Oscar Borries, Peter Meincke, Erik Jørgensen, Stig Busk Sørensen, and Per Christian Hansen, “Improved Multilevel Fast Multipole Method for Higher-Order Discretizations” (2nd Place Winner!)
- Paper n. 1569862155: Theodosios D. Karamanos, Dimitrios C. Tzarouchis, and Nikolaos V. Kantartzis, “Design of a Metamaterial Circular Patch Antenna Loaded with an ε-Negative Core”