Our Exhibitors & Sponsors
In order to have your company published here, please contact us!
Congrex Holland/ESA Conference Bureau, - PO Box 299 – 2200 AG Noordwijk –The Netherlands
Tel: +31715655005 – E-mail: eucap2014@congrex.com
Platinum Sponsors
Keplerlaan 1
PB 299 NL-2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
URL: http://www.esa.int
Space is a key asset for Europe, providing essential information needed by decision-makers to respond to global challenges. Space provides indispensable technologies and services, and increases our understanding of our planet and the Universe. Since 1975, the European Space Agency (ESA) has been shaping the development of this space capability.
TU Delft
Delft University of Technology (TUDelft) is the oldest and largest university of technology in the Netherlands, with 16,500 bachelor and master students and the 4,700 employees. In the QS World University Ranking, TU Delft is now in 15th place for Engineering & Technology (5th place among European Universities). TU Delft offers 16 Bachelor’s degree programmes and more than 30 English-language Master’s degree programmes.
The Microelectronics (ME) department includes research groups actively engaged on teaching and research in the field of antennas and propagation (web: www.ewi.tudelft.nl)
Located within the ME department, the mission of the THz Sensing Group is to introduce breakthrough antenna technology that will revolutionize THz Sensing for Space based and Earth based applications. In the long term the research will enable multi Tera-bit wireless communications. (web: terahertz.tudelft.nl)
TICRA is indisputably the world's leading supplier of reflector modeling software. Two of the main products, GRASP and CHAMP, are indispensable whether you work with simple parabolic dish designs, advanced satellite systems or radio telescopes, while POS is the design program behind most of the shaped reflectors in geostationary orbit today. DIATOOL addresses the need of antenna engineers faced with diagnosing the cause of antenna mal-function, performing 3-D reconstruction of the field sources from measurement data.
The substantial experience available at TICRA, partly gained through numerous development contracts with the European Space Agency, is available to our customers through our software support and consultancy services.
TU Eindhoven
The Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) was founded in 1956 and is located in the high-tech industrial region “Brainport” in the south-east of the Netherlands. In the international CWTS ranking TU/e ranked first out of 350 best-performing universities worldwide for the scientific output in cooperation with industry. TU/e has over 3000 employees (including 125 full professors and 750 PhD fellows) and a yearly budget of 300 M€. TU/e offers 11 Bachelor Programs and 28 Master Programs.
The Electromagnetics (EM) group at TU/e has over forty years of experience in the area of antennas and propagation. The EM group combines in-depth knowledge on electromagnetic modelling with application know-how in the domain of antennas and propagation.
CST develops and markets software for the simulation of electromagnetic fields. Its products allow you to characterize, design and optimize electromagnetic devices all before going into the lab or measurement chamber. The extensive range of tools integrated in CST STUDIO SUITE® enables numerous applications to be analyzed without leaving the user-friendly CST design environment and can offer additional security through cross verification. CST’s customers operate in industries as diverse as Defense, Telecommunications, Automotive, Electronics, and Medical Equipment.
Gold Sponsors
FEKO is a leading electromagnetic (EM) analysis software suite, based on multiple state of the art computational EM (CEM) techniques for solving a wide range of EM problems for a large variety of industries. It enables you to profit from its outstanding capabilities in numerical field computation with the combination of different methods like Method of Moments (MoM), Multi-Level Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM), Unified Theory of Diffraction (UTD), Physical Optics (PO), Geometrical Optics (GO) and Finite Element Method (FEM) within one software package.
Visiting address
Schoemakerstraat 97 (Building A)
NL-2628 VK Delft
Postal address
P.O. Box 6000
NL-2600 JA Delft
TNO Infodesk: Tel: +31 88 866 08 66
TNO (Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) was established by law in 1932 to support companies and governments with innovative and applied knowledge. As a statutory organization, TNO has an independent position.
TNO concentrates on 7 closely related themes, each of which has a prominent place in the national and European innovation agenda: Industrial innovation; Healthy living; Energy; Mobility; Built environment; Information society; Defence, Safety and Security.
These major societal challenges require intensive cooperation across diverse disciplines which are organized in two expertise centres: Earth, Life and Social Sciences; Technical Sciences. Each one of these expertise centres comprehends several expertise groups.
TNO has currently 3,900 employees, of which almost 700 work at TNO Companies and 58 employees are engaged outside of the Netherlands.
USB Memory Sticks
The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM) at Université catholique de Louvain is currently home for more than 40 professors and more than 200 researchers. These researchers carry out both basic and applied research in key fields of information and communication technologies, electronics, computer science and applied mathematics.
enprobe develops and offers analog fiber-optic links and opto-electronic active antennas for interference-free RF E-field and antenna measurements. Their unsurpassed small size and the fiber-optical connection opens up completely new prospects for highest precision measurements.
John-Schehr-Str. 26
10407 Berlin
Delegate Lanyards
Via Enrica Calabresi, 24
56121 Pisa
IDS is an independent engineering and systems technology company, providing research, innovation and products in the electromagnetic field for Civilian and Defense applications. IDS is organized into four Divisions: Naval, Aeronautical, Air Navigation and GeoRadar. IDS has become an international player with its products and services establishing a dominant presence in global markets. They are currently sold in over 60 countries worldwide.
Silver Sponsors
ANSYS is the leading provider of Electromagnetics, Circuit and System simulation software for RF & Microwave design. ANSYS will demonstrate the latest advancements in ANSYS HFSS™, ANSYS DesignerRF™ and ANSYS SIwave™, which allow engineers to quickly and accurately analyze complex RF & Microwave systems for design of antennas, RFICs, MMICs and complex PCB. Additionally, ANSYS will demonstrate integrated multiphysics simulation capability through links with ANSYS® Workbench™.
Bluetest is the leading provider of reverberation test systems and software for cost effective development and evaluation of wireless devices and small antennas Over The Air. We have developed a patented, state of the art test method to carry out antenna measurements like total radiated power (TRP), total isotropic sensitivity (TIS) and throughput (TPUT) in a fast and accurate way.
19730 Magellan Drive
Torrance, CA 90502 USA
Phone: (310) 525 7000
Fax: (310) 525 7102
E-mail: sales@nearfield.com
URL: http://www.nearfield.com/
NSI is the world leader in designing, building, delivering and supporting high accuracy antenna measurement systems since 1988.
NSI personnel are experts in the design, development, implementation, and operation of far-field and near-field systems, have authored two text books on antenna metrology, and have delivered over 500 antenna measurement systems in over 24 countries worldwide.
NSI also offers in-house test facilities for contract antenna testing and consulting services for range evaluation and accuracy assessment.
Since 1987, IEEA offers consultancy in electromagnetics. Major competencies include antenna analysis and designs, propagation (ionospheric, tropospheric), mainly scintillation effects, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) studies, radar cross section (RCS) computations, space weather modeling, and rough surface scattering calculations.
Consultancy may include the development of custom made software. Software for antenna analysis and design, propagation (scintillations) and RCS calculations are commercialized.
Microwave Vision Group
The Microwave Vision Group (SATIMO, ORBIT/FR, AEMI and REMC) delivers a range of innovative measurement solutions for EMC, antenna, RCS, and radome testing as well as wireless device certification.
Our products include full turn-key test systems, multi-probe arrays, anechoic chambers, antennas, software, positioning equipment, RF absorbers, and RF safety monitoring devices. We are also expanding our microwave technology into industrial material inspection. Our strengths are our broad product portfolio, worldwide presence, and integrated project management.
We are dedicated to supporting the Aerospace and Defense, Satellite, Telecom, and Automotive industries and well as academic R&D, RF safety and industrial material production.
Bronze Sponsors
NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) creates solutions that enable secure connections for a smarter world. Building on its expertise in High Performance Mixed Signal electronics, NXP is driving innovation in the automotive, identification and mobile industries, and in application areas including wireless infrastructure, lighting, healthcare, industrial, consumer tech and computing. NXP has operations in more than 25 countries.
FNRS is the Belgian research fund from the French-speaking Belgium. It supports fundamental research based on proposals emanating from the researchers. It fosters the production and development of new knowledge by supporting researchers on an individual basis and by funding research programs developed in laboratories mainly located in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It also supports scientific exchange programs and awards several scientific prizes. Over the years, FNRS has provided very strong support in the fields of Propagation and Antennas.
Award Sponsors
The European School of Antennas (ESoA) is the largest School in the world of Antennas and Propagation. It includes 150 Professors belonging to 34 Institutions and a portfolio of 30 courses given in the most beautiful cities of Europe and Middle East.
Thales is a global leader in onboard electronics for aircraft, supplying avionic suites and systems to major aircraft manufacturers, providing to our customers with the full range of equipment, subsystems and systems for flight control, navigation, communication and surveillance for aircraft including helicopters. Based on strong investments in Research, Technology and Development, Thales is preparing the future systems in the fields of defence, security, space, aerospace and ground transportation.
Exhibitors EuCAP 2014
Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) is the world’s premier measurement company and a technology leader in chemical analysis, life sciences, diagnostics, electronics and communications. The company’s 20,500 employees serve customers in more than 100 countries. Agilent had revenues of $6.9 billion in fiscal 2012. Information about Agilent is available at http://www.agilent.com/
Airbus Defence & Space
Astrium Products - APP8
81663 München
Astrium as an subsidiary of EADS is a global leader in space industries. In the Ottobrunn RF-test center highly sophisticated solutions for satellite applications are developed, amongst them the unique double curved Compensated Compact Range providing unprecedented measurement performance for telecommunication antennas and payloads.
The Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) is a non-profit professional organization for members involved in research and development of antenna and radar-scattering measurements. The principal objective of AMTA is to provide a forum for the exchange of information on electromagnetic measurement techniques and problems. EuCAP delegates are welcome to visit the AMTA booth and join as members.
Antenna Systems Solutions S.L.
Calle Princesa 25, 6ª planta, 5ª puerta
28008 Madrid
Tel: +44 8700 555010
Sales at
Antenna Systems Solutions (ASYSOL) is one of the leading European suppliers of antenna measurement systems specialising in customised antennas, accurate positioning equipment, near-field and compact test antenna systems and anechoic chambers. ASYSOL can also provide in house antenna testing with ISO170025 Certification.
Anritsu EMEA Ltd.
Anritsu specializes in test and measurement solutions for wireless, optical, microwave/RF and digital instruments, operations support systems and solutions that can be used during R&D, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance.
Anteral is a spin-off company of the Antenna Research Group of the Public
University of Navarra (Spain). The company has three main lines of activity:
- High Performance Horn Antennas: Design, construction and measurement of
corrugated, ridged and smooth-walled, conical or rectangular horn antennas up to
500 GHz, as well as associated components like OMT transducers, polarizers,
septums, transitions, etc.
- Terahertz Technologies: Design and development
of customized solutions of sensing and image acquisition, using THz
technologies. THz spectroscopy and measurement services.
- mm-Wave
components: Desing and fabrication of microwave and mm-wave components like
mixers, couplers, polarizers and filters, up to 500 GHz, using mechanical and
DRIE micro-fabrication.
A leading technical book publisher, Artech House provides today's professionals and students with cutting-edge books and software from the world's top authorities. From the hottest emerging areas, such as power engineering, MEMS, and GPS/GNSS, to established high-tech fields, including antennas and propagation, communications engineering, RF/microwave design, and computer security, Artech House publishes the forward-looking titles that engineers and managers need to excel. Artech House is a subsidiary of Horizon House Publications, Inc., publisher of the internationally acclaimed magazines Telecommunications® and Microwave Journal®
ASTRON is the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy. Its mission is to make discoveries in radio astronomy happen, via the development of new and innovative technologies, the operation of world-class radio astronomy facilities, and the pursuit of fundamental astronomical research. ASTRON's antenna and RF R&D programme focuses on low-noise phased array receiving systems for existing and future observing facilities.
BESTCOM (BElgian network on STochastic modelling, analysis, design and optimization of COMmunication systems) is a network funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme of the Belgian Science Policy Office. Its members perform research about wired and wireless digital communication links and networks (traffic modelling and analysis, communication channels modelling and shaping, optimized algorithm design for transmission, reception, resource allocation, buffering and scheduling). In particular, joint research performed at UCL and UGent deals with the stochastic modelling of antennas and propagation.

Lindholmsallén 10
417 55 Gothenburg
BSW TestSystems & Consulting
Akkerdistel 2
5831 PJ Boxmeer
The Netherlands
BSW TestSystems and Consulting is a measurement and components solution provider for the semiconductor, electronics and telecom industry and research and development institutes. Emphasis is on RF, µw and mm-wave. We supply cables, adapters, coaxial and waveguide parts, contacting/fixturing/probing solutions to turn-key measurement systems. Our services include installation, training and consulting.
CHL Netherlands B.V.
Lageweg 16
2222 AG Katwijk
P.O.Box 3072, 2220 CB Katwijk
The Netherlands
E-mail: marketing@chl.nl
Comtest Engineering
Industrieweg 12
2382 NV
The Netherlands
Comtest Engineering supplies high performance RF shielded rooms, reverberation and anechoic chambers. The company is located in The Netherlands and was founded in 1985. We are a professional organization and recognized for our quality and flexibility. Comtest high performance shielded doors, mode-stirrer systems and microwave absorbers have been internationally recognized as state of the art products. Our team is dedicated to satisfy your need to control the electromagnectic environment!
Cost Vista
Melatener Str. 25
52074 Aachen
COST IC1102 VISTA aims at identifying new technologies and applications, fostering the development of innovative radiating systems and their necessary supporting technologies; and promoting the career start of young researchers.
Custom Microwave Inc.
Boston Ct
United States
Custom Microwave Inc. (CMI), founded in 1965, supplies innovative waveguide antenna feeds and components for space and ground applications. Design, manufacturing, and space qualification tests are performed in its 54,000 sq ft facility in Longmont, Colorado, USA.
E & C Anechoic Chambers
Nijverheidsstraat 7A
2260 Westerlo
We at E&C Anechoic Chambers are committed to continue and further improve the over half-a-century lasting excellence in development and manufacturing of absorber material for anechoic chambers.
27 Pekin Str.
0160 Tbilisi
EMCoS focuses on simulation software for automotive, aircraft and naval industries. Application areas include: EMC / EMI in large systems, antennas, complex harness, hybrid vehicles, shielding study and PCB simulations.
Edif. CEDIT. Parque Tecnológico Fuente Alamo
E-30320 Fuente Álamo
EMITE is the leading manufacturer of multicavity mode-stirred source-stirred Reverberation Chambers (RC) and MultiPath Simulators (MPS) for research, design, development, compliance and performance MIMO Over-The-Air (OTA) testing for wireless communications systems. Covering all wireless and cellular technologies up to 8x8 MIMO including WiFiac, Dual-cell technologies and LTE-Advanced, EMITE MIMO Analyzer E-Series Reverberation Chambers and MultiPath Simulators provide unheard-off capabilities and automation, with the fastest, most repeatable, most accurate and most cost-effective MIMO OTA and passive testing solution in the market, making your MIMO wireless test wishes a reality. Life demonstrations and software developments will be shown at Stand 19 during the EuCAP2014 Exhibition.
enprobe develops and offers analog fiber-optic links and opto-electronic active antennas for interference-free RF E-field and antenna measurements. Their unsurpassed small size and the fiber-optical connection opens up completely new prospects for highest precision measurements.
John-Schehr-Str. 26
10407 Berlin
ESI Gmbh
ESI is a pioneer and world-leading provider in Virtual Prototyping that takes into account the physics of materials. ESI boasts a unique know-how in Virtual Product Engineering, based on an integrated suite of coherent, industry-oriented applications. Addressing manufacturing industries, Virtual Product Engineering aims to replace physical prototypes by realistically simulating a product’s behavior during testing, to fine-tune fabrication and assembly processes in accordance with desired product performance, and to evaluate the impact on product use under normal or accidental conditions. ESI’s solutions fit into a single collaborative and open environment for End-to-End Virtual Prototyping. These solutions are delivered using the latest technologies, including immersive Virtual Reality, to bring products to life in 3D; helping customers make the right decisions throughout product development. The company employs about 1000 high-level specialists worldwide covering more than 40 countries. ESI Group is listed in compartment C of NYSE Euronext Paris.
Siemensstrasse 12B
63263 Neu-Isenburg
ETS-Lindgren GmbH
Wallbergstr. 7
82024 Taufkirchen
ETS-Lindgren’s Antenna Measurement Systems provide engineers with the ability to meet today’s design and test challenges. We offer Far-Field, Near-Field and Compact Range Chambers as well as Wireless Test Systems.
The European School of Antennas (ESoA) is the largest School in the world of Antennas and Propagation. It includes 150 Professors belonging to 34 Institutions and a portfolio of 30 courses given in the most beautiful cities of Europe and Middle East.
EuCAP 2015
EuCAP 2015 will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, on 13-17 APRIL 2015. Book your calendar. Plan to join us for a remarkable conference on antennas and propagation.
European Patent Office
The European Patent Office (EPO) is the second-largest intergovernmental organisation in Europe, employing almost 7 000 staff from over 30 countries. The EPO strives to support innovation and promote a knowledge-based society in Europe. Its mission is to secure the highest quality standards in patenting.
Fraunhofer Institut IIS
Am Wolfsmantel 33
91058 Erlangen
Founded in 1985, Fraunhofer IIS ranks first among the Fraunhofer Institutes concerning headcount and revenues. R&D services, among others: Audio and video source coding, digital radio broadcasting, digital cinema systems, multimedia realtime systems, integrated circuits, localization.
Hofmannstr. 25-27
81379 Munich
HPS concentrates on the areas of Ka- & Q/V-band reflector antennas, deployable structures & antennas, mobile & foldable ground antennas, lightweight CFRP structures, MLI and new materials, all for space applications.
Via Enrica Calabresi, 24
56121 Pisa
IDS is an independent engineering and systems technology company, providing research, innovation and products in the electromagnetic field for Civilian and Defense applications. IDS is organized into four Divisions: Naval, Aeronautical, Air Navigation and GeoRadar. IDS has become an international player with its products and services establishing a dominant presence in global markets. They are currently sold in over 60 countries worldwide.
Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Str. 2-4
47475 Kamp-Lintfort
IMST GmbH is a leading design house and development center for wireless modules, communication systems, chip design, antennas, EDA software, and regulatory certification using an in-house accredited/certified regulatory test center. IMST offers both standard products such as radio modules with hardware/software as well as complete system and product design.
International Telecommunication Union
ITU is the leading United Nations agency for information and communication technology. For nearly 150 years, ITU has coordinated the shared global use of the radio spectrum, promoted international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits, worked to improve communication infrastructure in the developing world, and established the worldwide standards that foster seamless interconnection of a vast range of communications systems. From broadband networks to new-generation wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, radio astronomy, satellite-based meteorology and converging fixed-mobile phone, Internet and broadcasting technologies, ITU is committed to connecting the world.
Am Weichselgarten 5
91058 Erlangen
The Innovationszentrum fuer Telekommunikationstechnik GmbH IZT specializes in the most advanced digital signal processing and field programmable gate array (FPGA) designs in combination with high frequency and microwave technology.
The product portfolio includes equipment for signal generation, receivers for signal monitoring and recording, transmitters for digital broadcast, digital radio systems, and channel simulators. IZT offers powerful platforms and customized solutions for high signal bandwidth and real-time signal processing applications. The product and project business is managed from the principal office located in Erlangen/Germany. IZT distributes its products worldwide together with its international strategic partners. The customers are civil companies, governmental agencies and armed forces. The IZT quality management system is ISO 9001:2008 certified and conform to the requirements of ISO 14001:2004.
LAPC 2014
Rutland Hall, Enterprise Office, Loughborough University Campus , Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU Loughborough
United Kingdom
Antrum designs specialist antennas which can be used in aerospace and defence systems, smart commercial and industrial communications, medical and automotive markets. We specialise in bespoke antenna solutions, fabric antennas and metamaterials. The Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC) is a major international event on the Antennas and Propagation calendar, attracting 250 participants each year and provides a forum for research students to present their research findings.
As the world’s leading independent supplier of advanced antenna solutions for communications satellites, MDA’s offering include satellite payloads, antennas and electronic subsystems for commercial and military customers
MI Technologies
MI Technologies’ advanced approach to test and measurement systems has provided quality and affordable systems for more than 50 years. We continue to build on that legacy in the 21st century by offering the broadest choice of innovative products, systems and support that lead the industry in setting new standards for tomorrow’s performance.
We continue our expansion with innovative custom engineered solutions in areas such as test chamber design, automated test equipment, development of microwave and RF products as well as customer support for applications in near-field, far-field, compact range, RCS and radome test systems. MI’s mechanical design team offers high performance motion control products that deliver uncompromised speed and precision.
Mician GmbH
Mician is recognized as a leading developer of EM software tools for the analysis, synthesis and optimization of passive components like feeding networks, couplers, multiplexers and horn antennas, including reflectors.
Microwave Innovation Group
MiG’s comprehensive hybrid mode-matching / multi-solver EM CAD tool WASP-NET finds itself acknowledged by leaders in space and microwave industry for its outstanding design efficiency and ultra-fast optimization of general 3D microwave components, systems, all kind of antennas and arrays, including complete feed networks. WASP-NET’s pioneering MM / FE / MoM / FD / FEBI / PTD / PO engine uniquely combines highest calculation speed with efficient full 3D solver generality. WASP-NET goes beyond catalog element restrictions; a user-friendly graphical editor enables designers to create, import, decompose and parametrize arbitrary 3D microwave structures and antennas for fast direct EM optimizations.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Japanese company to provide satellite communication antennas, devices, and systems in communication market.
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR
Anthony Fokkerweg 2
1059CM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
NLR is an independent non-profit research organisation in the Netherlands. NLR’s mission is making air transport safer, more sustainable and cost effective by developing novel technologies for aviation and space.
Orban Microwave Products NV (OMP)
OMP specializes in designing and building RF and Microwave subsystems and antennas, targeting a wide range of markets and applications in the 1 to 25 GHz range.
Microwave Products (OMP) NV
4c, box 6
Leuven, Belgium
Park Electrochemical Corp
Park Electrochemical Corp. is a global advanced materials company which develops and manufactures high-technology digital and RF/microwave printed circuit materials principally for the telecommunications and internet infrastructure and high-end computing markets and advanced composite materials, parts and assemblies for the aerospace markets. Park's core capabilities are in the areas of polymer chemistry formulation and coating technology. The Company's manufacturing facilities are located in Singapore, France, Kansas, Arizona and California. The Company also maintains R&D facilities in Arizona, Kansas and Singapore.
Premix Oy
PREMIX is a supplier of unique
plastic materials for various industries. Especially for Antennas and other RF
devices we have generated PREPERM product family.
PREPERM - Low loss controlled
dielectric materials for high frequency applications. PREPERM thermoplastic
materials enables new design possibilities for designers while offering superior
processability combined with low loss tangent and stable dielectric constant.
Printech Circuit Laboratories Ltd
PCL manufactures a wide range of PCB’s, including PTFE, Metal back PTFE, Flex and Rigid Flex, Foam core, Curved or Formed Antenna’s, Electro-formed bonding pads and 3D Moulded circuits.
Remcom provides electromagnetic simulation solutions for design engineers and EM simulation professionals. Application areas include antenna design, MRI, wireless communications, radar and scattering, and microwave and RF.
Royal Netherlands Navy
The Royal Netherlands Navy is involved in the design and maintenance of many antennas in use within the Navy. We are the owner of a nearfield and a farfield measurement facility. Furthermore we have specific experience with issues concerning antennas on board of ships. We are located at the Naval Base in Den Helder.
The Hague Marketing
Tourist Information The Hague offers an information desk at the congress venue. They will
provide you with the latest information on what to do, where to go and how to
get there in The Hague. Visitor guides and city maps will be provided free of charge.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology
The IET’s mission is to inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community, supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society.
Thomas Keating Ltd
Station Mills
RH14 9SH
United Kingdom
Universiteit Twente – Center for Array Technologies (CAT)
High tech, human touch. That is the University of Twente. 3,300 scientists and professionals working together on cutting-edge research, innovations with real-world relevance and inspiring education for more than 9,000 students.
ViaSat, Inc.
1725 Breckinridge Plz
30096 Duluth, GA
United States
ViaSat Antenna Systems specializes in advanced antenna development and fabrication, primarily for mobile satellite communications from L-band to Ka-band. A particular focus is low profile, phased array antennas.
Virginia Diodes Inc
Virginia Diodes Incorporated (VDI) is the leading supplier for solid-state based terahertz components and systems. VDI's products include detectors, mixers, and frequency-multipliers as well as integrated transmitter and receiver sub-systems for reliable operation from 50 GHz to 2 THz. VDI integrated systems now include Vector Network Analyzer Extension systems and the PM4 Power Meter for test and measurement to THz frequencies. VDI components include in-house fabricated GaAs Schottky diodes.
Wiley is a global provider of content-enabled solutions to improve outcomes in research, education and professional practice with online tools, journals, books, databases, reference works and laboratory protocols.
Gandijeva 7/32
11073 Belgrade
WIPL-D, with its flagship software products WIPL-D Pro and WIPL-D Pro CAD, enables users worldwide to perform fast and accurate high-frequency simulations of antennas, antenna positioning, microwave circuits, scatterers etc.