Convened Sessions
Keeping up with the tradition, several convened sessions will be held in parallel with regular sessions. Convened sessions are organized by well-known scientists and consist of 10 solicited papers (half-sessions are also possible) which focus on hot topics in antennas, propagation and measurements.
Those interested are invited to submit a firm proposal for a convened session before April 29, 2013 by sending an email to
The template for proposals is available for download here. (Please open with Internet Explorer; does not work with Firefox.)
Each proposal should meet the format described in the attached file and be ideally proposed by two persons, possibly from different parts of the world and/or different institution types (University, Industry, Agency, etc). At the proposal stage, conveners are not required to invite speakers, nevertheless, a list of possible candidates would be highly appreciated.
Each proposal will be evaluated by EuCAP 2014 Organizing Committee and acceptance notifications will be sent by email before end June, in order to provide conveners of accepted proposals ample time to invite high-quality speakers. The submission deadline for convened papers is the same as regular papers (October 13, 2013).
For the sake of clarity, it should be mentioned that all participants, including convened speakers and conveners, will be required to register to EuCAP 2014 and pay the registration fee.